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2023-11-26 09:35:08 宝贝快好 机构排行 来源:互联网


最聪明的狗的智商:I. IntroductionA. Meaning of \"the smartest dog\"B. BackgroundII. Research on Dog Intell……宝贝快好www.bbwell.cn)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


I. Introduction

A. Meaning of \"the smartest dog\"

B. Background

II. Research on Dog Intelligence

A. Researches on Dog Breeds

B. Researches on Dog Cognitive Ability

III. The Smartest Dog Breeds

A. Border Collie

B. Poodle

C. German Shepherd

D. Golden Retriever

IV. The Smartest Dog from Each Breed

A. Smartest Border Collie

B. Smartest Poodle

C. Smartest German Shepherd

D. Smartest Golden Retriever

V. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Application of the Research

I. Introduction

A. Meaning of \"the Smartest Dog\"

Humans have kept dogs as pets and domestic helpers since ancient times. Dogs are the most popular pet in the world, where people admire their loyalty and intelligence. So, what is the “smartest dog”?

B. Background

In recent years, there have been increasing researches on dog intelligence, which has provided scientists and veterinarians with sufficient scientific data to evaluate the cognitive abilities and intelligence of different dog breeds. This essay will investigate the topic of “the smartest dog.”

II. Research on Dog Intelligence

A. Researches on Dog Breeds

Researchers conducted a large-scale survey of owners of different dog breeds, and composed the \"intelligence index of 33 dog breeds\". According to the index, Border Collies, Poodles and German Shepherds topped the list as the three top intelligent breeds.

B. Researches on Dog Cognitive Ability

To further evaluate the cognitive abilities of different dog breeds, more research have been conducted. For example, Stanley Coren, a professor at the University of British Columbia and an authority on the study of dog intelligence, conducted a comprehensive research on the intelligence of different breeds and breeds’ versions. Coren constructed three different indexes: adaptability index, working / obedience index and intelligence index. The so-called \"intelligence index\" evaluated the dog's cognitive ability by the speed of training, the difficulty of the order and the execution of the order.

III. The Smartest Dog Breeds

A. Border Collie

Border Collies are known for their intelligence and are often ranked as the smartest breed of dog. They are very active and energetic, and can understand complex orders easily. They excel at herding and are often used as working dogs in farms or ranches.

B. Poodle

Poodles are one of the oldest breeds in the world. They are very smart and their intelligence is highly rated. They are very eager to please their owners and are therefore very easy to train. They have great problem-solving skills and can quickly learn simple commands.

C. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are known as intelligent, loyal and obedient. They are highly trainable and can understand complex orders. They are often used as guide dogs or police dogs because of their high intelligence and alertness.

D. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds for a family pet today. They are friendly, loyal and intelligent. They are easy to train and can quickly learn simple commands. They can solve simple puzzles and remember past lessons quickly. They are also very good at retrieving objects on command.

IV. The Smartest Dog from Each Breed

A. Smartest Border Collie

The smartest Border Collie is named Chaser, who was trained by John Pilley, a professor of Psychology at Wofford College. Through intensive training, Chaser can understand over 1000 words and perform complex tasks such as distinguishing between objects and categories.

B. Smartest Poodle

The smartest poodle is named Rico, trained by Juliane Kaminski, a researcher at Bielefeld University in Germany. He can recognize the name of 200 different objects, remember the locations of objects and understand certain commands.

C. Smartest German Shepherd

The smartest German Shepherd is named Rico, from Wiltshire, England. He is highly intelligent and can understand complex orders such as putting toys back in their places. He can also recognize simple words and can obey instructions after hearing them only once.

D. Smartest Golden Retriever

The smartest Golden Retriever is named Chaser, from Virginia, USA. He was trained by renowned animal behaviorist Dr. Daniel Estep. Chaser can process nouns and verbs, can identify individual words, and can recall the names of over 1000 different items.

V. Conclusion

A. Summary

This paper has evaluated the topic of “the smartest dog”, discussing the dog intelligence research process and the smartest breeds of dog. It has also examined the smartest dog from each breed, providing an example of the most intelligent dog from each breed.

B. Application of the Research

1 聪明的狗究竟有多聪明?

2 为什么狗比人类的智商高?

3 早期的博美犬和英国史宾格犬

4 现代的猎狐犬及其他犬类

5 狗的智商与环境有关

6 狗的智商如何测量?

7 结论










